Collection: Fun Water Toys
These toys are selected to bring extra fun and laughter for your kids when they are in the water. Nothing beats a good water toy to accompany your kids when they are in the pool, beach or even bath time.
The Konfidence Floatsuit™ for Toddlers STARTER Bundle #KonfidenceFloatsuitStarter
- Regular price
- $77.00
- Sale price
- $50.00
Konfidence ChildWarma™ STARTER Bundle #KonfidenceChildWarmaStarter
- Regular price
- $92.00
- Sale price
- $50.00
The Konfidence BabyWarma™ SPLASH Bundle #KonfidenceBabyWarmaSplash
- Regular price
- $82.00
- Sale price
- $45.00
The Konfidence Jacket™ STARTER Bundle #KonfidenceJacketStarter
- Regular price
- $107.00
- Sale price
- $59.00